
Go Take Pictures Newsletter

I'm making some changes around here and I'd love to tell you more about it.

When you have a space on the internet to call home, it makes sense to be a little particular about what you put there. I really want this to be a place that's timeless and distinctive. For this reason, I've found myself posting more photos with brief commentary and less about current events and gear. That wasn't always the case or even a concious decision, but a cursory glance through the posts of the past year doesn't feel too dated.

I've also been conscious about the stuff I link to. By definition, the links aren't mine, but this is my place on the web. If something is going to have a place here, It better have lasting value.

I write all this to let you know that I still want to share my thoughts and links about current and timely news, but I want to keep this place for my photos and my writing.

So, I'm starting a newsletter called Go Take Pictures and I'd love it if you would sign up. I'll also be posting to an accompanying site and there's also a twitter feed for those of you that like it that way. You can expect to see the newsletter arrive in your inbox on a regular basis with the same content going live on the site shortly after the newsletter is sent out. I'll be posting links to interesting things I come across that week, some of my long-form articles and I'd like to share my favorite photos from other photographers.

If this sounds like something that interests you, please do sign up!