
Weight Loss Reboot

Well, I haven't written much of anything about health, fitness or losing weight in quite awhile. In fact the last post went up on October 30th. That's 2 months and 17 days. I was posting every week for quite awhile, and then slipped into every other week and I think it was mostly due to the lack of progress. Do you remember why I started writing about this and posting it publicly? I do, but I forgot for a bit.

I got down to 194 in late September and then held steady for a few weeks. As I mentioned back in October, a vacation to visit family really did me in. I went into it with the thought that I'd just be really disciplined about everything for a couple weeks and get caught up. I did lose a couple pounds once I got back into the routine, but almost as fast as that happened, Halloween came, with all its candy. Then a week or so after the candy was gone, Thanksgiving happened, and then...Well, people don't make a big deal about weight gain during the holiday season for nothing.

Anyway, enough with the excuses. I'm back on it.

I started at 212.4 on the 31st of December. Today I weighed in at 203.8. I haven't been taking measurements, but I plan to do that this Saturday. I've also started doing a weight loss competition with my coworkers. That should add a little extra cash motivation. I'm still aiming for the same goal of 180 pounds and I don't have a real time frame. I'm certainly thinking it would be cool to get there before the 1 year anniversary of starting, which is May 12th.

As before, if you are using MyFitnessPal, I'd love to connect and my userid is danredwing. I'm not great at remembering to input everything I eat, but I'm trying to get better.

If you are just getting started, I'm happy to answer any questions about what has and what hasn't worked for me. You can also take a look in the Archives under Losing Weight and see all the updates from this past year.