Weight Loss Update Week 12

I have a friend that wanted to lose a few pounds that has joined me, and we've been tracking daily. Whoever wakes up and weighs in first, emails the other. He is especially adept with Google Docs and created a really cool spreadsheet with an x-y line graph. My numbers for this week are:

8-4 Weight 202.8 Waist 44.5 Chest 44.25 Hips 43 Neck 16.5 R Bicep 12.25 L bicep. 12.25 R Thigh. 26 L thigh 26

last week-

7-28 Weight 203.2 Waist 44.5 Chest 44.75 Hips 43 Neck 16.5 R Bicep 12.5 L bicep. 12.25 R Thigh. 26 L thigh 26

Since I last updated, I've lost 1.6 pounds. Everything moves slower now, but I'm noticing significant changes in how my clothes fit, and even how I see myself in the mirror. In other words, recomposition. The only measurement that changed is that it appears that I'm gaining some muscle in my chest. I can live with that.