Losing Weight

Weekly Weight Loss Update- Week 4

So, I'm a few days into this week...It was a busy weekend and I just didn't get to the weekly update .   I had a slower weight loss week than the weeks previous.  That may or may not, have been partially responsible for the delay of this post.  Just saying. 214.6 was the number last week.  This Saturday I weighed in at 214.4, which is a very small change.  Looking through the weekly diet isn't really telling me much and I'm wondering if food is really the culprit.  I have had a much better week so far and I'm at 212.6.  My hunch, hypothesis or educated guess is water.  I've really been sticking to the higher water intake this week and it seems to be making a difference.

I've been trying to drink at least 5 27 oz water bottles full every day while I'm at work, and three glasses once I get home.  I didn't do as well last week and I think that it showed in my progress.  This week I've been visiting the bathroom more often.

I'm keeping this a little shorter as I plan on a more thorough update at the end of the week.

Total weight loss since the start- 14.8 pounds.  32.6 to go.

Weight Loss Week 3 Update - 21 Days in

So, this week brought a renewed vigor in my efforts and man did it pay off. Last week I weighed in on Saturday at 218.4. This morning I’m at 214.6. I’m always a little pumped when I drop below another 5 pound mark. 210, here I come. Here are the numbers-



One other thing that I’ve been doing, but am just now sharing are some measurements. I’m just keeping a text file on my iPhone that I update everytime I bust out the measuring tape. I’m using an app called Byword I also use it on my iPad, and on my Mac. What is fantastic is that it syncs between all three devices using one of two different methods. Dropbox and iCloud. I use Dropbox so my files are available from any computer. As a side note, I write most every post in Byword as well.

Here are the measurements-

5/14 Waist 47 Chest 46 Hips 45 Neck 17.5 R Bicep 13.75 L bicep 13.5 R Thigh. 27 L Thigh 27

5/27 Waist 47 Chest 45.75 Hips 44.5 Neck 17.25 R Bicep 13.125 L bicep. 13.125 R Thigh. 26.75 L thigh 27

6/2 Waist 47 Chest 45.5 Hips 44.5 Neck 17 R Bicep 13 L bicep. 13 R Thigh. 26.5 L thigh 26.75

The main reason this is important is that progress isn’t always just a weight thing. It’s also good to measure areas that aren’t of primary concern to me. For example, I never thought my arms were fat, but it turns out that is one of the areas where I’m losing fat first. In the past I only really measured my waist and would then get really frustrated because I couldn’t get it to move much. It was also pretty useful last week when I wasn’t seeing much movement on the scale, but could see that my body was still burning fat.

Free Days aka- eating stuff I shouldn’t

I also have another thought. This one concerns free days. In the past, I have tried different weight loss plans, many of which tell you to take a free day once a week and eat whatever you want. There are many reasons given. Some say that it helps you to not feel like you can never eat treats and indulgent foods. Others say that it helps your body to not go into starvation mode. There are other reasons too, but I’ll tell you what is working for me so far.

I’m not taking a free day. Instead, I’m choosing when to splurge by meal. As an example, on Monday, we grilled up some fantastic steak. I chose to eat a steak that is roughly twice the size than makes sense for that meal because I love steak, and I’m willing to trade off a bit to include it. Yesterday, I had a big peanut butter, chocolate chip cookie. It was 350 calories. It was totally worth it. I didn’t throw the entire day away just because I indulged in 1 treat. In the past, one treat would totally derail me.

I’m trying to take a holsitic look at each day and decide what is important to me. There are some foods that I’ve just dropped, because the value and/or enjoyment just isn’t high enough to justify the space in my day and body. I’ve also started eating a lot more vegetables. My favorites are Baby Spinach leaves and Red Bell Peppers.


If I can summarize, I’m learning that living by a “diet” or a strict system, doesn’t have basis in true life and for me, feels like legalism. I believe that choosing when and what to eat is a matter of self-control. People keep asking what diet I’m using and my answer so far has been “common-sense”. Figure out how much your body needs (accounting for exercise) and then eat that much. If you want to lose weight, eat less. This isn’t rocket science.

Anecdote for the week

On Tuesday, I had a terrible day at work. A couple of client requests derailed my whole day and I was feeling really unproductive. I found myself sitting in my office at about 3pm thinking “I’m hungry, I need to go get something to eat” Almost as fast as that thought entered my head, another thought came to me. This one came pretty heavy, like a slap to the back of the head. “You aren’t really hungry, you’re just stressed, tired and frustrated!”

I promptly filled my water bottle, pounded the whole thing, plowed through the next two hours and then the ride home totally eliminated the stress.

I love moments of clarity.

Weight Loss Week 2

So, the fast weight loss has slowed, but that was expected. As I mentioned last week, I lost 6.8 pounds. This week, I came it at 218.4 total. That’s another 2.2 pounds lost. I’ll keep this post a little shorter, but probably update with some thoughts about the process later this week as I’m at my Mom’s house for the holiday weekend. A couple quick things-

First of all, I am still feeling really encouraged by those of you that have reached out with support, stories or just an “Awesome!” or “Well Done!”

Secondly, I’m going for the long-term and as such, I’m getting help from a few tools and some philosophy. I’ll get into the philosophy more later this week, but I’d like to share a tool now.

Weightbot, by Tapbots is an iPhone app that can show you some great graphs to make it easier to track your progress and see when trends are changing. It gives this great projection of when you will reach your goal wieght based on your current weight loss trends. Here are a couple of screen shots.

Here’s pulling for another great week!



Weight Loss Progress Week 1

So, I started this weight loss thing last week. To be precise, I wrote about it on Saturday, and I started actually tracking and doing the right things on Monday. So many people have written kind, supportive notes, and I’m incredibly appreciative. For me, it is just more reinforcement that people are aware and this isn’t a private matter. Thank you. I’m happy to hear that this has been encouraging to so many of you. That’ also part of why I’m doing this. A few of you are doing something similar, and let me just say- No good luck wishes. I am praying for you and I right now -for strength and humility because I think that is what it takes. Here is the progress so far-

If you remember, in the post I said that I was 225. When I started on Monday, I was 227.4. This morning, I weighed in at 220.6. That’s 6.8 pounds.

More important than the weight loss to me, is the way that I feel. I feel fantastic in two different ways. Obviously, there is the fact that I’ve lost almost 7 pounds physically. I have more energy and feel less sluggish. Less obvious, but more powerful is the way that I feel about myself today. I feel like a winner, like someone who is in control of where he is going and how he is going to get there.

So, here is what I’ve been doing.

I have been using myfitnesspal.com. My userid is danredwing, and if you are using it too, please add me as a friend and maybe send me a note to let me know who you are...those usernames can be a little wacky. I like the iPhone app. Surprise, surprise. I set it up to auto share every time I weigh-in to both Facebook and Twitter. In all fairness, it only shares if I lose weight, but I haven’t had a day with no loss yet.

I track everything. I input everything I’m eating and do my best to break down stuff into individual parts to get a real sense of how much I’m eating. I have set it to share my diary with friends, so if we get connected there, you can see my routine. I usually enter most of my food as I’m packing my meals for the day. This has the added benefit of making it easier to stick with the plan because I’ve already planned it out.

My friend Jon Smith posted this quote as his status update this week-

Prepare when you are strong for a time when you will be weak

It is the title of a chapter from Mark Laaser’s book- The 7 principles of highly accountable men

I haven’t read the book, but this phrase has stuck with me since I saw it earlier this week as it deals with so much of what I’ve struggled with in the past.

For Exercise, I’m still doing my usual 14 miles daily bike commute, but I’m pushing a bit harder than I did before. It burns about 450 calories on the way to work and about 550 on the way home. I’m truly lucky to have this sort of built-in activity, but it is no accident. I started doing it 4 years ago a couple times a week as a way to change my lifestyle.

As you may have noticed, I’m way ahead of the 1.5 pounds a week that I was planning on. An easy way to describe what’s happening is this- I’m dropping water and food weight. I was usually eating more food before and not drinking as much water. These changes have brought down sodium levels, which helps with alleviating water retention. Also, there just isn’t as much physical weight when you are controlling what you eat. Put those together and you lose weight that isn’t really fat.

I’m also taking advantage of this initial dramatic loss to help motivate myself and kick start the habits that I’ll need to develop over the long haul. It is a lot easier to stick with it when you are seeing significant daily results. I’m also on a lower calorie plan for these first couple weeks- a calorie deficit that should result in a 5 pound per week loss. It isn’t sustainable, but helps get things cleaned out and on track. I will likely add back in some food a couple weeks out. We’ll see how it goes.

I think that the biggest factor for me in deciding to do this is the nagging conviction that I’ve got to have integrity. I was justifying not dealing with it by believing that it was private and didn’t affect anyone else. When I really thought about it in those terms, I realized that I was justifying neglecting my health the way people justify all of their sins, hangups and vices. Something had to change.

Though I’ve said it before, I’m holding onto the conclusion that long-term it has to be about more than just looking better. If that is the only reason to do this, I don’t really have to. But, If it is truly about being there for my kids and wife and setting an example of doing the things that I believe in- then the stakes have just been raised.

Once again, thanks for the support!

Oh, and one more thing- everyone knows that the first step is admitting that you have a problem- But not just to yourself. Speak it (or write it) to someone else who will watch, encourage and root for you.

edit- Hey, I just wanted to let you all know that this evening, my friend Jon Bean posted that he  is taking on a challenge very similar to mine. Please stop by his blog, read about him and throw some encouragement and eyes his way.

I hadn’t really thought anyone else would put themselves out there like this, but I’m excited for what this will mean for Jon and his wife and boys and I’ll be praying for him.

Losing Weight

I think of myself as a trim, in-shape guy. I know that this is common- to hang on to the image of yourself at 18 even though you are much older, much heavier and not as active. To be clear, I am 80 pounds heavier than when I turned 18. I'm 5'10" and I was 145 then and 225 now. Thats a 55% increase. I was heavier -242- about 3 years ago, and then I started riding my bike to work daily and training for a relay race called Hood-to-Coast. I got down to 207 and maintained that for about 6 months. I've crept back up since then.

Like so many other areas in life, I totally know what to do to change things. It is really quite simple. Eat less calories than my body needs daily.

My problem with losing weight is discipline. The discipline to eat portions that are appropriate for my activity level. The discipline to stick with it on the weekends.

This is why I'm writing about it. About 4 years ago I learned that I had high blood pressure. I discovered it when Emily had a home blood pressure machine during her pregnancy with our youngest child and I tried it out. It was high. High enough that I went to see my doctor and was told that my body didn't "like" being overweight. That the high blood pressure was a result of this dislike. He told me that it was an indicator that if things don't change, I have a high probability of developing diabetes. I have a family history of diabetes. I also have a family history of heart problems.

If it isn't obvious by now, the doctor basically laid it out for me. If I don't get my weight under control, I am likely choosing to shorten my life significantly.

Skip ahead to today.

I have lost weight since then and started riding my bike 14 miles every weekday. I'm pretty hardcore about it actually. Rain or shine. In other words, I'm getting plenty of cardiocascular exercise. My blood pressure, with medication, has gone down some, but not enough.

There's another reason I'm writing. I have an amazing wife and three amazing kids. Up to this point I have made the choices I've made about this stuff-namely eating too much, largely without consideration for them. This is problematic for a couple reasons.

1. I'm the only father these kids have. This is important for a few reasons: First, that I'm here for them for a long time. Second that I live that time in front of them with integrity.

2. My wife married me with a committment to living our lives together, raising children together and growing old together. In addition, she married me with the understanding that I was and would be a man of my word. In other words, someone who follows through on commitments.

By keeping it a private matter, I've kept this lack of discipline to myself. I've made a lot of effort to lose weight over the years, but because no one really knows about it, when I fail, I can treat it like it is no big deal. If no one else is aware, it's easier to avoid dealing with the reality that not dealing with this is selfish and lazy.

I don't think that I'm being legalistic and I'm not saying that this assessment applies to anyone else. For me, it is a character issue and a classic example of dealing with what I do when no one is watching. I'm taking my cue from James 4:17

Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

So here is what I'm doing about it. First, I'm posting this so that I can't hide it. I'm doing this to help it feel more real. I'm telling you about it so that I have to remember that other people know. Second I'm asking for your encouragement.

It will suck if I don't follow through. I know myself and I'm pretty sure that giving it higher stakes will help me. Failure will be more embarrassing, and success will be sweeter.

I'm not following a specific plan at this point. I do have a target. My doctor thinks that a good weight for my height, build and age would be around 180. He also thinks that it is realistic to lose between 1-2 pounds a week. I'm setting a goal of 1.5 pounds a week. My target is Dec 8th, 2012.

I would say wish me luck, but this isn't going to take luck.

Here we go!