Night Photography

Trying To See the SuperMoon

As I mentioned already, Emily went out with friends on Saturday evening which left the kids and I free to go see the Supermoon! All was looking great throughout the afternoon. Aislynn and I walked to a high spot in the neighborhood with my Virtual Reality Moon app to see right where it would be in relation to Mt Hood.

Unfortunately, between that time and 7 pm when we headed east toward Larch Mountain, the clouds rolled in. That made for a crazy-long beautiful sunset on the west, but a really gray and boring view to the east.

Aisy Up High | 23mm, f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/13

We spent the first 20 minutes at the base of the stairs because there were so many people there. I'd guess there were around 20 tripods set up on the lookout area and most of them had crazy long 3-400mm lenses.

Larch Mt Facing North | 35mm, f/7.1, ISO 100, 1/4

The Moon didn't really shine through the entire time we were there, which is really a shame since we had hauled Caedon's telescope all the way up there.

Not Coming Out | 35mm, f/5, ISO 100, 10 sec

We had a fun hike out after everyone had left. It turns out, my kiddos were the most hardcore ones there and didn't want to leave- they were convinced that as soon as we left the moon would break through the clouds. Caedon and Gavin wore their Lego Darth Vader head lamps and aisy carried a tiny kids plastic LED Flashlight.

We didn't arrive home until 11ish. I love adventures with my kids.

MoonClouds and Tree | 35mm, f/1.8, ISO 400, 1/2 sec